Bathtime for Titus

A Tribute to Annie
I know it took us so long to put together a photo tribute to our sweet Annie. We went through five years of pics, with around 5000 pics per year. Yes, you did the math right! So it sounds like a lot, but I am so happy I have all those memories documented. So here is a video of some of my favorites. I miss my silly, sweet, funny, beautiful dog.

Peanut Butter Day
It's Peanut Butter Day. So I asked Titus if he would like some . (I am not a fan).
He howled YAAAS! So Mommy gave him some on a spoon.
And of course Mommy also took video of this silly site.

Polka Dot Day

Popcorn Day
Today is Popcorn Day. So I thought it would be a nice bonding activity to make microwave popcorn with Titus. I gave him the Orville Redenbacher while I of course went with the Skinny Girl.
When the popcorn was ready I placed it in size appropriate bowls. I dove right in. I love popcorn. However, Titus had obviously not experienced popcorn before and wasn't quite sure about it.
He wasn't too tempted by the aroma. But I told him he should at least try it. And he did.
His beard got more popcorn than his mouth did. When he starts Prince School he obviously will need a beard trim!

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He wasn't too tempted by the aroma. But I told him he should at least try it. And he did.
His beard got more popcorn than his mouth did. When he starts Prince School he obviously will need a beard trim!

Titus Meets Swans
The other day when I took Titus to the lake, I totd him all about the swans.
It was lucky that I did since Mr. Swan swam up while Titus and I walked by.
Titus was very curious and moved to get a bit closer. Not too close since he doesn't like water.
Then when they were back on the grass, Titus walked by and didn't even give them a look. Titus is such a good boy ! (But, I think he is secretly afraid of them.)

Dress Up Your Pet Day
Today is Dress Up Your Pet Day. So I styled Titus for a chic casual look.

Rubber Ducky

Beauty sleep
Yesterday, Bunnybell and I were comfortably catching up on our beauty sleep.

A bed for Titus
Titus loves to hang on the couch with us. But when we found him in Bunnybell's bed we knew he really wanted a bed of his own.
Next thing we know, the doorbell rings and a giant box arrives..
Titus immediately checks it out.
Voila ! Titus has his very own bed. He is SO happy. Now we have to find a big enough space to put it!

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Next thing we know, the doorbell rings and a giant box arrives..
Titus immediately checks it out.
Voila ! Titus has his very own bed. He is SO happy. Now we have to find a big enough space to put it!

Beach Boy

Mommy's Birthday
Titus watched as I was setting up for Mommy's birthday surprise. He asked if there was anything that he could do.
When Mommy saw her surprise, she was so happy.
She kissed Titus and told him how happy she was that he was here as part of our family to celebrate her birthday.
Thens she gave me a big kiss. She thanked me for the beautiful party surprise. Of course she knew it was me, who else would have a pink tiara prepared for her?

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I told him that was very nice of him to ask. However, all he can do is put on his party headband and wait patiently for Mommy to come.
She kissed Titus and told him how happy she was that he was here as part of our family to celebrate her birthday.

What is he?
Everyone asks me what breed mix Titus is. And the answer is, we have no idea. So we decided we would do a DNA test. The Wisdom Panel kit came yesterday.
It is not very complicated to do. Daddy had to swab Titus' cheek twice. I supervised to make sure it was done correctly.
The swab sticks went back in the box and now they need to be mailed. Then we have to wait a couple of weeks to get the results. I think Titus may be part whatever breed Chewbacca is. What is your guess?

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Happy New Year !