Happy Birthday Bear !

Remember The Rescue
Today is #RememberMeThursday . Today we shine a light on orphaned pets around the world waiting for their forever homes. Annie and I are both rescues - Annie was in a shelter and I was a stray. So although we are small, we are huge advocates for pet adoption. Did you know that only 30% of pets in US Households come from rescue facilities? And each year nearly 3 million beautiful orphan pets lose their lives without finding a forever home. So that is why we join on Remember Me Thursday to promote awareness of pet adoption.

Pancake Day
It's Pancake Day. So Annie asked Mommy to make pancakes. Mommy said they have too much sugar for Annie but she had an idea.
We smelled pancakes cooking. The next thing we know Mommy said "We can all share! You eat the toppings, I will have the pancakes!"
When we sniffed closer we saw that the pancakes had all our fave treats as toppings!
So Annie immediately started eating her toppings, the bacon treat puppy ear first of course!
Best pancakes ever!

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We smelled pancakes cooking. The next thing we know Mommy said "We can all share! You eat the toppings, I will have the pancakes!"
When we sniffed closer we saw that the pancakes had all our fave treats as toppings!
So Annie immediately started eating her toppings, the bacon treat puppy ear first of course!

Barley's Visit
Our friend Barley came to visit again today with his Mom Cathy. We were so happy to see him!

Rabbit Day

Shine a Light

Rosh Hashanah
Tonight begins the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah. Annie, Bunnybell and I are celebrating with traditional foods to bring in the New Year. Challah bread, apples, honey and a pomegranate!.
I know I should have first gone for the apples and honey symbolizing a sweet year ahead, but I love carbs, and I just couldn't resist that giant Challah!

Cheeseburger Day
For Cheeseburger Day Annie, Bunnybell and I decided to go to Smashburger in Del Mar to celebrate.
I ordered us a cheeseburger and Fido burger to split.
I walked away for a moment to get a drink of water. The next thing I know, Bunnybell ate the whole FidoBurger!!
So I pulled the cheeseburger in the shade and told Annie she can split it with me. I let Annie have the Cheeseburger. I preferred to just have the salad.

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I ordered us a cheeseburger and Fido burger to split.
I walked away for a moment to get a drink of water. The next thing I know, Bunnybell ate the whole FidoBurger!!

Playdoh Day
To celebrate Playdoh Day, I though it would be fun to make a Playdoh Pizza ! So I got my Playdoh and tools together and invited Bunnybell and Annie to join me.
I had to protect my work from Annie cause she kept on wanting to eat it. I kept explaining that it was not real pizza or toppings. But Annie really wanted what she thought was a meatball.
I was finally finished with my beautiful pizza. I even made one pink slice as a way to sign my masterpizza. Bunnybell thought it looked delicious. Annie continued to wonder when we were going to eat it.

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I had to protect my work from Annie cause she kept on wanting to eat it. I kept explaining that it was not real pizza or toppings. But Annie really wanted what she thought was a meatball.
I was finally finished with my beautiful pizza. I even made one pink slice as a way to sign my masterpizza. Bunnybell thought it looked delicious. Annie continued to wonder when we were going to eat it.

Fortune Cookies

Patriots Day

PawPrayers for Florida

Teddy Bear Day

Salami Day
Can you believe it? Another food day to celebrate. Today is Salami Day ! There are so many different types and brands of salami so I decided we should taste test some of Daddy's faves.
Annie as usual dug right in. She does not understand the concept of a taste test. I sniffed each to evaluate the aroma before tasting.

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Annie as usual dug right in. She does not understand the concept of a taste test. I sniffed each to evaluate the aroma before tasting.
Of course, Annie finished way before me. I chewed each slowly and thoroughly to understand their complexities.
Do you like Salami?

Read A Book Day
For National Read A Book Day, I thought it would be appropriate for Annie and I to read books about our respective breeds.
As I was reading my fab book out loud, Annie fell asleep ! I woke her up and told her to read her own book.
What book will you read today ?