
Family pool time

Last week our family was visiting so there was lots of pool time. Mommy decided that I just had to join everyone. Since I didn't want to get my poodle poof wet, I went on the new popsicle float . 

Then Annie heard there were donuts so she wanted to join too. 

 It was too late to warn Annie what kind of donuts Daddy and Caroline were talking about. 

Now Annie wants nothing to do with donuts ever again. Poor Annie.

It was exhausting! Little humans have so much energy!


  1. Oh you have a pawesome furmily!! Annie is soooo cute!! DakotasDen

    1. Thanks! Yes, they are fab, the only thing wrong with them is they live too far away! RosyPoodleKisses!

  2. What fab pictures! Mom has pool time every Saturday with noisy little kids, but we live in a condo, so we aren't allowed at the pool (which is just fine with me)! It looks like Annie did land on the donut, even if she wasn't so happy about it. It sure looks like you all had a great time! xoxo

  3. Annie you are divine. What fun. Star's Mummy xxx


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