
Superbowl Weekend

Super Bowl weekend is here! Annie and I don't know much about football. But we do know there is a supposed to be a Super Bowl party tomorrow. So we are discussing how to decorate and what to have to eat. Stay tuned.


  1. Super Bowl is always a fun day even if you don't know a thing about football - like us:)

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

    1. Yes! We cant wait for the dog commercials and fun food! Have a fab Superbowl Sunday! RosyPoodleKisses!

  2. Rosy it looks like you figured out the important part.. a pink football and a party w/food! What more is there to know? Happy Superbowl Sunday! xoxo

    1. Yes! I wonder why all footballs arent pink. Wouldnt that be fab? RosyPoodleKisses!

  3. You both look a little puzzled. We are, too. All those people jumping on a person who's trying to run away! We would only do that for a mouse or rat. We have, however, heard a rumor of sour cream for something called "dip," so we'll reserve our review of tomorrow until after we've tasted it!

    That's a beautiful pink football! It should say "The Prince" since it's for you!

    Love & loud purring from all of us... RainbowCatsx13 >^..^<

    1. I hope you get yummy Superbowl stuff! YEs! I just love my football! Have a fab Superbowl Sunday! RosyPoodleKIsses!


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