
Pizza Day

Another great day to celebrate! It's National Pizza Day ! Mommy said Annie and I could each order our fave pie. I chose a Margherita pie and Annie got a Meatball Pizza. I will be sharing with Mommy and Annie has to share with Daddy. He better grab a piece quickly! 


  1. Yum Rosy. Mom says the Margarita Pizza looks delish. I think the meatballs look tasty! I bet they're both yummy! You guys are so lucky your Mom keeps up on all the food days! Happy Pizza Day! xoxo

    1. The pizzas are so yum! We google days and I make her put all of them in her calendar!!! Happy Pizza Day! RosyPoodleKisses!

  2. We will be right over - save some for us, OK?

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

    1. OMP! We would love to have you over! We would even order your fave pie too! RosyPoodleKisses!

  3. We've never heard of a Margarita Pie. What does it have on it? OurPeople usually get the "Everything" one because they like the mushrooms and olives. Sometimes the Veggie wins the vote because of artichoke hearts. Do you and Annie eat the crusts, too?

    Love & loud purring from all of us! RainbowCatsx13 >^..^<

    1. A Margherita pizza is so fab - very plain - mozzarella, tomatoes or light tomato sause and basil. My fave is the crust! Annie's fave is the cheese and meatballs! RosyPoodleKisses x13 !


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