
Drink Wine Day

Now you may not think a dog and a princess poodle can celebrate today; but its probably because you don't know about the wines we got as a gift. Annie got the white Chardognay and I received the pink Zinfantail. How fab is that?  And don't feel left out kitty friends, there is also White Kittendel and Catbernet ! I am thinking of maybe giving these as gifts for my friends. Red or white?


  1. Wow Rosy that's pretty cool, wines for Doggies & kitties! I bet we'd like them. Did you guys drink them? Did you like them? Happy Wine Day! xoxo

    1. Mommy gave us some to taste in bowls. I was aghast! I told Mommy she needs to find toy poodle size wine glasses! RosyPoodleKIsses!


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