Mardi Gras

Oscars Red Carpet
For the Oscars, I chose my white dress with flowers. Then watching the Red Carpet, I was so excited to see Hailee Steinfeld also wear a white dress with flowers . Hers was a very sexy version, which maybe I could pull off when I'm grown up. In the meantime....

Oscars Party Attire

Margarita Day

Pink Shirt Day

Love Your Pet Day
Today is Love Your Pet Day .
I wasn't going to celebrate because I love Annie everyday. But I started
feeling guilty when I saw all these posts about pets getting special treatment
today. And I was afraid that Annie would
feel left out. So for dinner, I had Mommy cook a steak for Annie. And since she loves me too, she gave me half.
I love my Annie Banannie.

Cherry Pie Day
Today is National Cherry Pie Day. I thought it would be
nice for Mommy and Daddy to celebrate. So for Daddy I got the obvious – a yum
Cherry Pie which he loves. And for Mommy, I got her fave Cherry Pie Winery

Drink Wine Day

Star Wars gifts
The other day Annie had some minor surgery to get yucky things removed from her skin. So when she came home from the vet, Mommy gave her feel better presents - A Star Wars cuddle blanket with a matching Chewbacca toy. She loved both. Mommy then gave me a Star Wars present too! ...
Chewbacca Chicken Noodle Soup ! How fab ! As a gift, I will share it with Annie.

Valentine's Dinner

Grammy's Red Carpet

Spilled Milk
Annie asked Mommy for a cup of milk. (weird, because she doesn't
even drink milk!) Anyway, she went over
to the cup and tipped it over with her nose on purpose! Very upset, I asked –
why did you do that Annie? She barked "I wanted to see if you would cry"!. What?? then she barked “Happy Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day Rosy!” Annie is so literal.

Rose Day

Superbowl Party !
Its time for Superbowl! Annie and I did not agree on what to
have at our Superbowl party. So I gave Mommy my list and Annie gave Daddy hers.
Now here we have our balanced spread of lovely fruit and veggies with a dab of Cheetos
along with very indulgent high caloric snacks. Can you guess what came from who’s
Have a fab Superbowl Sunday!