
Mary Poppins

The movie Mary Poppins was released 52 years ago today (1964 if you dont want to do the math), I just love Mary Poppins so I watched the movie again.  I was so inspired. I went over to Annie when she was about to get her medicine and barked the melody 'Just a Spoon Full of Sugar helps the medicine go down'. Annie barked that she is not allowed to have any sugar. So thinking like Mary, since I wanted to say something but had nothing to say I barked  'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious'! 


  1. What a great Mary Poppins you make, Rosy! I think you came up with the purrfect word for Annie. I bet Mom makes sure Annie has something supercalifragilisticexpialidocious special to help her medicine go down! Happy Mary Poppins Day! xoxo

    1. Thanks! and Yes! Annie gets her Bacon Joy treats after the medicine goes down! RosyPoodleKisses!

  2. Can you just pop over and pay us a visit now? That umbrella might carry you very far.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

    1. Oh wouldn't that be fab if I could! RosyPoodleKisses!

  3. We love the movie, too, and especially Mary's carpet bag! We think there might be enough room inside for a few cats. Those of us who aren't afraid to fly hope she will take us for a ride someday.

    If she can't have any sugar, could Annie get her medicine in a hamburger or some pizza?

    1. Oh yes, lots could fit in that carpet bag -- maybe even Annie! Annie gets her Bacon Joy treats and sometimes a hot dog! RosyPoodleKisses (x8+3) !

  4. Speaking of Annie, babe you have been looking good my California girlfriend how have you been feeling? Yes, girls I do wear a Speedo when I"m at the beach, if the US men's diving team can do it so can I. Love Bosco

    1. Oh we are good Bosco, thank you! We would love to see you in your Speedo at our beach! Im sure all the girls would swoon! RosyPoodleKisses!


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