Annie loves getting to go shopping alone with Mommy. She feels so special. They went to the New Balance store and she helped Mommy pick out shoes. Annie was then a bit freaked when Mommy wanted to measure her size and texted an SOS to me immediately. I told her not to worry, New Balance doesn't come in her narrow paw size.
New Balance Shopping
Annie loves getting to go shopping alone with Mommy. She feels so special. They went to the New Balance store and she helped Mommy pick out shoes. Annie was then a bit freaked when Mommy wanted to measure her size and texted an SOS to me immediately. I told her not to worry, New Balance doesn't come in her narrow paw size.
Uber Stroller
I love my stroller. It is just perfect for when I get tired or Annie wants to walk farther than I do. When Bunnybell visits, she sort of uses my stroller like an Uber. When she doesn't feel like walking anymore, she asks to ride with me. I wonder if this is a potential business. I could start with all the small dogs in my neighborhood. Hmmm. This could be big. I can name it Rosy Rueber.
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With the launch of Beyonce's album last weekend, I was inspired to hold Lemonade class for Annie and Bunnybell. Each of them had a very different reaction. While Annie thought the Lemonade looked too weird to drink, Bunnybell couldn't wait to drink it all up. I explained to her however that she cant drink it. We will be using what we make for our Entrepreneur Class in which we will create a Lemonade Stand.
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Matzah Ball
Annie enjoyed the Passover dinner. She especially liked the idea of matzoh balls, but was disappointed when she couldn't play with them. So Mommy got Annie her very own Matzoh ball. Now we spend Passover at the beach!
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Earth Day
Dear world,
Today is Earth Day. So Annie and I decided we should do planting. And in the spirit of the day, we are planting succulents since they are the best plants for water conservation . Annie also offered to conserve water by foregoing her grooming appointment.
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Today is Earth Day. So Annie and I decided we should do planting. And in the spirit of the day, we are planting succulents since they are the best plants for water conservation . Annie also offered to conserve water by foregoing her grooming appointment.
Happy Earth Day!
BearHUGs Forever,
Dental Health
Annie listened to my eye doctor and thought it is a good idea to protect our eyes. So she was so excited to show me that she got us fashionable of sunglasses. I asked her why she thought they were fashionable. She barked because they come with a scarf which is very stylish. I didn't want to hurt her feelings so I thanked her and put on the ninja glasses.
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Infused Water
Dear world,
The other day I wanted to teach Annie how to enhance the drinking experience with our new infuser pitcher. So just like Mommy, I placed sliced cucumbers and lemons with the water for a fab spa experience. Annie wasn't enthused. However, she presented her own idea. She said our water would taste so much better if it was infused with hot dogs. I think she is on to something!
BearHUGs Forever,
Prize Pillows
I won these fab pillows in a raffle by West Coast Cocker
Rescue. As soon as they arrived, Annie claimed them as hers since they had
Cocker Spaniels on them. She suggested that I get my own poodle pillows. Is
anyone raffling off poodle pillows, preferably in pink?
BearHUGs Forever,
Eye Check
The other day I went to the Opthomologist for an eye check-up. She said that I have Iris atrophy - (not really a big deal, I just may have to squint in bright light).
So the doctor suggested if it bothers me, I should protect my eyes with sunglasses or visors. How fab! I get to delve into a whole new fashion world!4/8/16
Petco Outing
Its me, Annie. Yesterday I got to go on my first outing since my surgery. Since it was raining, Rosy decided to stay in and nap with Daddy. So Mommy took me to Petco and told me to select a treat. I went down each aisle and considered everything very carefully. I came across something new that smelled so delicious that I made my decision. When I got into the car, I couldn't wait to have my treat. But it was a YoPup! I guess the concept of me chewing an esophagus did not sit well with Mommy. That's ok. My treat was yummy and I loved my Mommy and me time.
BearHUGs Forever,
Charlotte and Caroline came back from Legoland with these giant dinosaurs. Charlotte said she named her blue dinosaur Annie. So then Caroline named her purple one Rosy. Of course you are thinking how sweet that is. While flattered, I am a bit uncomfortable with a fat purple dinosaur being my namesake. I would have been happier if she called it Barney.
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Playing Dress-up
You know I love to dress up and I like to style myself. However, when my little niece Charlotte asked if she could dress me up, I decided to be a nice little poodle and let her have fun. She obviously does not have my sense of style. Unless, is double stacking tiaras a new trend?
BearHUGs Forever,