
Happy Valentines Day

Dear world,
The other day we went to get professional Valentine photos done by Hello Foto Studio who was doing the event to raise money for animal charities. So nice! Once I saw the photos, I thought maybe that Annie and I should become professional models. That means that Mommy has to become a professional photographer, a business manager and an agent. I wonder if she is up for that. Well anyway, hope you all have an absolutely fab Valentines Day!
BearHUGs Forever,


  1. Rosy, I think you guys would be great professional models! And, Mom already does great photo shoots with you guys so she's almost professional. I think it would be easy to get you guys bookings! Go Mom! :) Happy Valentine's Day Girls! Big Valentine KittyKisses and Hugs!!

    1. Thanks! Hope you had a purrfect Valentines Day!! BearHUGs & RosyPoodleKisses!


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