
It's Hanukkah !

Dear world,
Tonight is the first of eight nights of the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah.  There are such fun traditions which we are looking forward to over the next week and will be blogging about! We will be lighting our fab menorah each night, playing dreidel, hopefully receiving Hanukkah gelt in the form of treats and of course Daddy's fave, eating potato latkes!
Happy Hanukkah!
BearHUGs Forever


  1. Rosy, you, Annie, Mommy and Daddy will have eight nights of special events you will all enjoy. Wonder if you will get a taste of the potato latkes. They're good! Wishing a Happy Hanukkah to all of those that celebrate. xo

  2. Happy Hanukkah to you guys! Sounds fun having activities for 8 nights! Hope you get great treats!


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