
Rosy Day Party

Dear world,
I had the most fab Rosy Day party. Bunnybell came over and we had my delicious pink Rosy Day cake. I wore my new sparkly party dress while Annie and Bunnybell attended naked. There were so many presents that I invited Bunnybell and Annie to open them with me. However, Annie didnt understand why she couldnt have the toy horse, while Bunnybell tried to claim my food presents.
Now I know what to get each of them for Christmas! 
BearHUGs Forever,


  1. Pretty in Pink, how lucky you are

  2. That's one lucky princess

  3. Rosy what a fab party! It sure looks like you got a lot of gifts. It was nice of you to share opening them. Wish we could have attended! Happy Rosy Day! Kittykisses & hugs

  4. Did your cake taste as good as it looks? What a wonderful day for you, Sweetie. That crown is fabulous! You look very elegant. We can see why Annie would like the horse. It's almost the same color as she is. Maybe you can have her guard it for you.

  5. Your Happy Rosy Day was so extravagant, beautiful and everything you wanted it to be, I'm sure, Rosy. I love your wonderful story of Mommy finding you and giving you your lovely name. What a happy day that was for all. xo

  6. The cake looks fabulous bol!! Happy day,


  7. HAPPY GOTCHA DAY ROSY.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! I laughed when I looked at your old scruffy looking street girl look. It was very hard to tell you were a poodle, let alone a Princess Poodle, which makes you royalty. You came along at the perfect time and learned the "ways of the dog from Bear and Fuzz", who were great teachers. My how quickly 5 years have gone by and you still fit into all your princess attire. Hubba, Hubba my little black minx's...I'd dance you around the pool if I was there to celebrate your day with you. Your handsome man BoscoBoy.


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