
Red or Blue?

Dear world,
I don't usually like politics but I do like staying on top of major news.  Luckily I am not old enough to vote, because I just don't know what I would do! So at this early point in the process, which t-shirt do you think I should wear?
BearHUGs Forever,


  1. Rosy, I think I'm going to launch a write-in ballot for your name on the ticket as an Independent. Rosy for President.- Madame President: Rosy Rue. I like the sound of that, plus I think you and Annie are Hubba, Hubba, so I'd vote for you based on looks alone. Your handsome mandog, BoscoBoy.

    1. OMP! President Rosy? I always thought I leaned more royal than political, I would rather be Princess Rosy, but I am flattered by your idea! BearHUGs & RosyPoodleKisses!

  2. Politics does interest me but I understand why you're not really in to it, Rosy. Please be sure to know what your candidate stands for, and why, and not vote on emotion. I think that may happen more than we know. You're a very smart girl though. You'll think it through. xo

    1. Well thank goodness the pressure is off me since I am too young to vote! There are SO many choices! BearHUGs & RosyPoodleKisses!

  3. I agree with Bosco Rosy, you should run for president! (of your choices, I'd vote for Hillary, she's a girl and my Mom taught me girls are really smart)! Go Rosy!

    1. Oh wouldnt it be fab if we had a girl president? Girls rule! And think of the presidential fashion trends! BearHUGs & RosyPoodleKisses!


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