
Dress Up Your Pet Day

When Annie heard what day it was, she hid under the table. I didn't want to upset her, so I suggested we just go through pictures of some fave dress ups of her . I just adore the way she looks in a boa and she really wears hats so well. (Too bad she refuses tiaras). Looking at these pics really makes me want to dress her up today, after all she is my pet! Which look do you think she should wear?


  1. Oohhhhhh, these piccies are amazing! *admires* I love Annie in all the outfits but I think my fave is her sailor suit xx

  2. Annie has the best wardrobe....next to you, Rosy!

  3. Earlier I was unable to decide between 1 and 5. I've made a decision now, #5. Rosy, the orange you chose for Annie is a standout. It's so flattering! xo

  4. I like #4 and #5, but since I am also orange, I'll have to pick the orange! I'm with Annie, I'd hide under the table too rather than have to get dressed up.

  5. Hellllooooooo Annie,
    Well, from a boy dog perspective, I like you without any clothes on, with only your beautiful white fur .... sitting on a bed of green grass overlooking the ocean, with me crooning you with my hooowwwls of love.


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