
A to Z Challenge : T is for ….

Dear world,
Continuing on with my blog challenge, the letter T was obvious … Tiaras of course! Since I am a self-proclaimed Princess it is essential for me to have a sparkly collection of bejeweled tiaras. And as a fashionista, I also consider tiaras part of my signature style. Since I am a bit too petite for statement necklaces, instead, these are my statement headpieces!
BearHUGs Forever,


  1. And what a beautiful Princess you are

  2. Rosy, you are hoarding tiaras :) you better have an insurance on those precious things. You should be on that TV show "Once upon a time". There are a lot of princesses on that show.

    1. Annie hoards toys, I collect tiaras! you have a good point about insurance, I should look into that. Maybe a safe too! What fun it would be to Once Upon a Time! I can only dream! BearHUG & RosyPoodleKisses!

  3. Rosy you have such a great collection of tiaras! Of course I can sure see where a princess needs to have at least one for each day of the week.

    1. Thanks Tikka! Exactly! At least one for everyday -- and there are tiaras for daytime, evening, special occasion, and of course color coordination is critical! I love the blue since it highlights my eyes! BearHUG & RosyPoodleKisses!

  4. That is an amazing collection of tiaras, Rosy. I have to borrow mine from my mommy. She bought it for herself to wear while cleaning the house, so she can feel like a princess even while she's scrubbing the toilet. :-)

  5. You have a knack for wearing tiaras more beautifully than anyone, including humans. You were MADE for tiaras, proof that you're a royal! xo


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