Santa visits
The other day we went to visit Santa. It was a tad of a debacle . Annie was scared of Santa at first and accidentally pulled part of his beard off. Then we went to a different Santa and Annie freaked a bit again and almost fell off his lap. I on the other hand was perfectly comfy. So I let Annie explore the store while I chatted with Santa about some things he might consider bringing me for Christmas.

Did you tell Santa what you wanted for Christmas? he he - you are so cute in the pictures.
ReplyDeleteOh yes, I discussed different ideas for him to choose from ! BearHUG & RosyPoodleKisses!
DeleteThis episode still has me laughing OUT LOUD. Poor Annie. She looks very uncomfortable. She'll let Rosy get all the presents from Santa. She'll pass & keep her feet on the ground! June (noahzbark).
ReplyDeleteAnnie is scared of Santa. So I talked to Santa about things he may get Annie as well. BearHUG & RosyPoodleKisses!
DeleteRosy, tell Annie not to feel bad. Many kids are scare of Santa. You on the other side are acting like a true Princess.
ReplyDeleteYes. I tried explaining. I told Santa she is usually a good girl. So I think Santa will put her on the nice list. Thank you. , I with my tiara on, was the perfect princess! BearHUG & RosyPoodleKisses!
DeleteRosy you are the take charge girl, so it's nice you had a discussion w/Santa regarding Annie. She seems to like for you to take the lead. My hyooman nephew was very unsure of Santa last year and he has a very stern look on his face in the photo. I think he'll throw an all out fit this year. He's not good with people he doesn't know. You do both look so cute tho. I bet Santa will be very good to both of you!
ReplyDeleteYes, I am the Princess and Annie one of the subjects in my Poodledom. So I explained things to Santa and I think she is back on the nice list.The first Santa was much more jolly, so I think Annie is just scared of strangers, or maybe big ones in red suits. BearHUG & RosyPoodleKisses!
DeleteYou look so comfy with Santa Rosy! Next time you could bring a pipe for Santa with some chopped liver in the bowl. If he was "smoking" this then I think Annie might sit in his lap and look interested in Santa. I am drooling just thinking of some nice liver . . . Here I am with Santa a few years ago http://winslow.cathyhatfield.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/SantaDogsZ.jpg
ReplyDeleteWinslow what a fab picture! You look so handsome! Brilliant idea having Santa having a high value treat for Annie. But not sure about a pipe. Sounds like another potential debacle with Annie! BearHUG & RosyPoodleKisses!
DeleteHaha you look like you all had fun with santy clause xx
Oh yes, I had fun, Annie not so much until she got to sniff around the store! Sending extra BearHUG & RosyPoodleKisses!
DeleteLOL! I love these photos! I'll bet Santa was surprised to have his face exposed! xoxo