
Giant shoe

Dear world,
While we were on vacation, we saw this giant shoe. Mommy thought it was a perfect photo opportunity and put me in it. Not a good idea Mommy. Now I have the occasional nightmare of being stepped on by giant shoes!
BearHUGs Forever,


  1. Rosy, I'm wondering if you can anticipate when your mom will be using something like a shoe or other statues for a picture opportunity even before your mom has the first 'feeling' about that picture.

    1. I am not proficient at that yet. Bear used to see the photo ops before Mommy. I always thought she could hear what he was thinking ! BearHUG & RosyPoodleKisses!

  2. Rosy I see why your Mom thought that was a perfect photo op. My Mom would have thought that too, and then I'd be the one having nightmares. You do look very cute in the shoe! :)

    1. Yes thanks. Being a kitty, you may have crawled into the shoe! Being me, I just got into modeling mode! BearHUG & RosyPoodleKisses!

  3. Rosy, I've noticed in your pictures that you have the model's stance.. Did Aunt Sydne teach you this professional pose? I'm a bit surprised you didn't particularly like posing in the shoe. Shoes are such a girl's thing. Of course sitting in one is very different than wearing them.
    June (noahzbark)

    1. I do try to model when my picture is taken…thanks for noticing! And actually, Sydne is my sister and yes, I have tried to learn from her poses. Maybe I would have felt better about it if it was a stiletto or pretty flat. But the clog is just not my stye! BearHUG & RosyPoodleKisses!

  4. Oh my! I could see where that would create nightmares! MY nightmare would be that a giant shoe was trying to step on me! xoxo


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